Convention Center Information
- Location: The 2024 GPFS Expo will be held in Halls B and C at the Georgia World Congress Center. The street address is 285 Andrew Young International Blvd NW, Atlanta, GA 30313. This IS NOT the shipping address; refer to and use shipping labels to make sure your items are delivered to the correct location.
- Lobbies: Both halls have a main lobby. Shuttles will drop off at Lobby C. You can also find education sessions, the Fresh Ideas Showcase, badge pick-up desks and networking receptions upstairs. Lobby B is where most Ubers/taxis drop off, and it's where you can find badge pick-up desks, the information desk and publication bins.
- Exhibit Floor:
- Trucks will be driving through the B/C connector until Wednesday night; anyone in a LIFO booth cannot set up until Thursday afternoon.
- Floors are concrete, floor covering is not included with your booth space, and it is required. You may bring your own or rent from GES. If raised flooring is used, it must be ADA accessible.
- Utility boxes such as electricity come from the floor.
- Columns and low ceilings are marked on the floor plan.
- Cleaning stations, with running water, will be throughout the hall for exhibitors.
- Trash, recycling and compost bins will be set up in the aisles. Anything you do not wish to display can be donated to the foodbank using the pink labels available in the service center.
- Convention Center Meetings: Rooms can be reserved Thursday through Saturday for a 4-hour minimum per day per company in the following time slots: 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. or 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Each 4-hour period is $750 (USD). Requests are processed in the order in which they are received and can be made by emailing Valerie Mendoza.
- Parking & Deliveries: Exhibitor parking is available for a fee. If you are making a delivery using a personally owned vehicle, you must check in at the Marshalling Yard before going to the convention center. A dock foreman will give you a dock pass and direct you where to unload. The registered booth name, number, and identification will be required.
When Can Exhibitors Set Up?
Booth setup is Sunday, Oct. 13 until Thursday, Oct. 17. Once your booth materials are offloaded at the allocated move-in time and placed in your booth space, you can begin setting up. Make sure to review the exhibitor schedule to see a full schedule.
Target Move-In/Move-Out Schedule
Each booth is assigned a target move-in and move-out date/time based on booth size and location.
Find your booth on the color-coded target floor plan. The date and time assigned to you is the time when your driver checks in at the marshalling yard. DO NOT schedule your booth setup/tear-down for this time; the actual unloading/loading at the dock takes several hours.
If you need to change your target move-in assignment, you have two (2) options:
- Fill out the request for target variance form before September 23, 2024.
- Ship your freight advance to the warehouse (non-perishable materials only) at no additional cost. Items shipped to the advance warehouse will be delivered to your booth BY the target date/time provided and labor can be scheduled accordingly.
Clean Floor Policy
To combat lengthy wait times for produce deliveries during setup, and to ensure we can open the show on time, all exhibitors must abide by the clean floor policy as follows:
- All booths 400 sq. ft. or larger must be finished with major exhibit construction with empties tagged on Wednesday, October 16, by 7:00 p.m.
- Booths 300 sq. ft or smaller can continue to set up through Thursday, October 17. Major construction must be complete by 2:00 p.m. so we can begin clearing aisles. Product merchandising and minor booth setup may continue.
- Thursday will primarily be for product merchandising, cleaning and finishing touches on the show floor (unless you're in a designated LIFO booth).
Booths in the last in/first out (LIFO) sections of the show floor:
- The truck lane and freight doors must stay open until Thursday morning. GES will then begin setting up those booths, getting any utilities installed, flooring laid and freight dropped as quickly as possible.
- LIFO exhibitors should plan to start setting up at 1:00 p.m. Thursday.
- GES will be communicating heavily with exhibitors in these areas to ensure a smooth, quick setup with everyone working together.
No Show Policy
Exhibitors who have not begun setup by Thursday, October 17 by 2:00 p.m. will be considered a "No Show" unless you have notified the Expo Team. No-shows do not receive a Show Point and will be omitted from next year's early assignment booking process.
What Are Exhibitors Allowed to Set Up?
Georgia is a "right-to-work" state, which means exhibitors are permitted to set up their booths. Review the work rules.
Exhibitors can use company personnel, labor from the Official Service Contractor (GES), or qualified & insured display houses/Exhibitor Appointed Contractors (EACs).
Full-time employees of exhibiting companies are permitted to do the following without hiring union labor:
- Set up exhibit space with the use of tools
- Plug in equipment (once the electricians have delivered power to the booth)
- Carry materials into the convention center, hand carts and 2-wheeled dollies are allowed during setup days/times (wagons are prohibited during expo hours)
- Drop off materials in privately owned vehicles (park in the convention center lots and carry in materials under 250 lbs, or check in at the marshalling yard/dock and pay drayage for GES to deliver it to the booth, or hire cartload service for a 1-way trip)
Using Exhibitor Appointed Contractors
An Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC) is any contractor NOT listed in our Approved Vendor List (appointed to provide services such as display installation, dismantling, audio visual firms, etc.) that will need access to your booth during setup/tear-down hours to assist with your exhibit. For security reasons, all EAC representatives must be registered and pick up their own wrist band in order to access the show floor.
Exhibitors and EACs must submit the following requirements by September 23, 2024:
- Exhibitors must submit this Exhibitor Form to authorize use of an EAC.
- EACs must submit the EAC Form and agree to all rules and regulations.
- Each EAC company must provide a certificate of insurance showing proof of general liability and workers' compensation insurance coverage in amounts as outlined during all setup, dismantle, and show days with International Fresh Produce Association (IFPA), the Georgia World Congress Center, and Global Experience Specialists (GES) named as additional insured. Please note: If the primary approved EAC elects to use another EAC as a subcontractor, this company must also complete the above requirements. EACs upload Insurance Certificates to the link they receive once they register.
- Each EAC employee must visit an EAC Desk, located in B1 Airfreight Plaza, B1 Lobby and Lobby C, and present the EAC's unique code (provided via email) to receive a wrist brand. Wrist bands must be picked up individually, not by company.
- Questions: Contact DTA Trade Show Services or call +1 (702) 650-2298
Exhibitors must hire labor in advance to do the following work on site:
- Material Handling: The loading and unloading dock freight will be controlled by the general contractor, GES, and union labor will be used for this.
- Hanging Signs: All rigging of signs must be done by GES, any order forms required should be filled out by September 23. Exhibitors or their EACs are responsible for assembling the sign and may supervise rigging. Use the Hanging Sign Shipping Labels.
Hanging Signs Above Your Island Booth
Hanging signs are only allowed above island booths or inline booths along the building's perimeter. All rigging must be done by GES.
- Review the booth display guidelines for height restrictions
- Submit a hanging sign and truss order form to GES by September 23.
- Pack your signs separately to avoid assembly/labor delays.
- Use the hanging sign shipping label.
Balloons in Your Booth
Fees will apply to remove balloons released into ceiling areas.
Helium balloons are permitted if they are properly anchored and used as permanent fixtures within the booth. Inflated balloons may not be distributed to attendees. Helium gas cylinders used for refilling balloons must be secured in an upright position.
Mylar balloons must be filled with air and properly anchored.
Use of pressurized tanks must comply with public safety regulations. (See Fire Regulations - Hazardous Materials).
Large Displays in Your Booth
Extra care and advance planning are necessary for displays such as vehicles, machinery, shipping containers, or other large items displayed in your booth. Special labor or equipment to unload and deliver to your booth may be required on-site and must be scheduled in advance with GES.
Exhibitors should submit the following additional forms (if applicable) to plan for these shipments before September 23:
Contact GES Freight Operations staff JT Hannon (Cell: +1-407-509-1251) for vehicle delivery and removal dates/times.
Plan for Move Out
The return of empty crates (empties) on Saturday can take 10+ hours. Be sure to check your assigned target move-out and schedule tear-down labor accordingly.
If you are in a Last In First Out (LIFO) area of the show floor, these sections will need to be cleared on Saturday, Oct. 19 as soon as the show closes, with those in the truck lane being a priority since that will reopen at 8:00 p.m. These booths will get their empties first. Any carriers for pickup in these sections should be checked in by 7:30 p.m.
Avoid Waiting, Save Money and Be Prepared
- Smaller inline booths: Take advantage of GES booth packages for 10'x10' and 10'x20' spaces. Schedule GES for the labor, tear-down and to ship your booth out and receive guaranteed ST (standard time) labor rates and a discount on outbound shipping.
- Larger inline booths: Consider tear-down labor for Sunday morning, when you know your empties are in your booth, instead of paying for labor to wait around on Saturday.
- Island booths with hanging signs: Coordinate your rigging with GES to have signs lowered Saturday night or first thing Sunday morning so your labor does not have to stop dismantling the booth while the overhead sign is coming down.
- Pack up and secure valuables in your booth and from any showcases as soon as the show ends. IFPA cannot be held liable for anything stolen or lost during this process.
- Relax in the exhibitor lounge with some food and beverages while you wait for your crates. The lounge will be open 5:00 p.m. -10:00 p.m.
- Schedule your pick-up prior to Monday. Monday could be an extremely busy day for carrier pickups. Wait times for pickup could be significant and end up occurring during overtime.
- Consider GES logistics for your shipping, guaranteed flat rates, and avoid charges for lengthy wait times.
- Schedule FedEx pickup for Monday (they don’t pick up on Sunday). You may also drop off small parcels via their business services office located in Hall B&C lobbies.
- Submit a pre-printed material handling form before the show and on-site you will receive pre-printed outbound shipping labels and your bill of lading.
- Once everything is packed up and ready to go, fill in your bill of lading (BOL) with the number of pieces, sign the bottom and return it to the service desk. GES will dispatch your carrier to pick up. DO NOT leave it with your shipment or your carrier may be left waiting.
- There is NO warehouse to return items after the show. Make sure your carriers can pick up on-site or schedule with GES logistics to ship out. If you do not schedule outbound shipping GES will, which will result in increased costs and delayed receipt times.
- Remember to pack outbound shipping supplies including tape, wrap, boxes, etc. for use at the end of the show.

Kyle McMillan
Director, Trade Shows
International Fresh Produce Association

Nancy Pickersgill
Trade Show Coordinator
International Fresh Produce Association